Monday, October 8, 2012

Cloud Gaming: is it the future of gaming

samsung cloud gaming Cloud Gaming: is it the future of gaming or not? Photo

Cloud Gaming


Cloud gaming is a type of online gaming that enables games to be streamed to internet-connected devices. Using the latest streaming, server technology and broadband connections game content is delivered directly to the user machine while all the processing is done primarily on the game server.

Cloud Gaming enables everything from casual to very high-end games to be played on devices never before possible and eliminate the need to wait hours while games are downloaded. It also enables high execution and graphic demanding games to be played on less powerful computers.

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How Cloud Gaming works?


Put simply, games are stored on the servers that are located elsewhere in the world. The games content is streamed to the users via internet. Users access the content via their machines, all processing, game play and code execution happens at the server and response is streamed to the user?s machine. It?s just like streaming a video but is made interactive. User?s responses in game play, button presses etc. are sent instantly to the server and the response is streamed back to the client.

What benefits companies seeing in Cloud Gaming?


Cloud Gaming is seeing interests from companies due to a number of benefits it offers over retail distribution of games via discs.

  • The first and foremost benefit is no requirement for a console or a high-end device for playing game. As user client is just a medium to transmit user actions and streaming the game content, the client?s storage or processing powers becomes largely unimportant. Users don?t need to worry about their hard disc storage size or RAM size. Games could be played via tablet or smart TV.
  • Games can be delivered without considering the platform on which they will be played. It means distribution to large audience with any sort of device.
  • Games will be upgraded or updated all on the game server. Users will no need to get their games updated.
  • Remotely accessed games are safer from cracking, digital theft etc. As content and code is stored on servers and not on the local accessible machines.
  • Users are now accustomed to getting content digitally and not in physical form so they will also accept gaming as delivered digitally. Like online e-Book reading and not physically owning the book.
  • No waiting for downloading huge games or getting them from retail stores and going through installations. Games will be available on-demand or via subscriptions.

Hurdles for Cloud Gaming success?


As with every new technology, Cloud Computing will take time to establish and get acceptance. The hurdles Cloud Gaming must come over includes technological, business model and user involvement.

  1. Reliance on internet connection

internet connection or a network access is a requirement for doing things remotely. if its down due to some reasons means no access to content a s it is remote.

? ? ? 2. Bandwidth Problem:

The first requirement for streaming content over internet is large available bandwidth. In case of playing video games all remotely over internet, its hell needed. This was also the issue that hinders the video game development company Crytek from working on cloud infrastructure for their game Crysis in 2007 as the infrastructure was not sufficient for the task.

Many customers with fair bandwidth were found not happy with the quality of online streamed games as compared to the games installed on their machine.


? ?3. Business Model and subscriptions


Due to its nature the business model of Cloud Gaming will be different from the traditional gaming business model. Traditionally games are sold by publishers in the retail stores and business success is measured by the number of units sold. With cloud gaming business model, games are streamed digitally and not sold on the physical stores. For now it could not entirely happen, but if cloud computing keeps on improving it can replace the traditional model which means not good for retail stores.

For now users purchase games and then the game is all their to play anytime without requiring internet. For cloud gaming users will have to pay subscriptions fee for playing the games which some users may not found convincing.


Recent initiatives in Cloud Gaming:


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On March 10, 2010,?OnLive?officially launched, a?famous cloud gaming service. Users need to download OnLive client to play games. OnLive recommends an internet connection of 5Mbps and minimum requirement is 2Mbps. Games are available in 720p formats. More than 200 games are available to play. Games are available for 3 and 5 days rent and on full purchases.

Gaiki another famous cloud gaming service is recently purchased by Sony Computer Entertainment on July 2, 2012. The Gaiki acquisition by Sony was seen as a big step. Gaiki also enables desktop games demos to embed in web pages to let users try the games before deciding to purchase.


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It is recently reported that cable TV operators AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner to enter cloud-gaming options for launch as early as next year.

Also the company called Palycast Media has partnered with Nvidia and other TV-set top makers to for its cloud gaming service. Nvidia has created graphic chips made specifiacally for cloud gaming infrastructure. It has also made GeForce Grid cloud-gaming platform. Playcast Media will run its service through Nvidia GeForce Grid. In turn the TV operator companies can offer games to their customers for a fee.

Game developers have long relied on consoles, PCs, and mobile devices to bring their games to consumers,? said De Beer. ?But cloud gaming ? and more specifically, our technology ? changes that model. These new technology partnerships are great news for cable providers. Now they too can get in on the game and deliver some of the world?s most popular gaming content directly to subscribers around the globe.


What game technology experts say?


Andrew Oliver, co-founder, Blitz Games Studios


It is a future. It is definitely a part of the future. It is getting very fragmented. Whatever game you make, you have to get it to everyone on every different device, and that?s trouble. One of the ways you might want to see it is via some sort of interactive TV and the cloud.

Ian Livingstone, Eidos life president

There?s a historical inevitability that we?re going to move away from set-top boxes to total digital delivery of content. It?s just the way the world is going. Every entertainment medium is changing in a similar way and you can?t stand in the way of progress. You have to adapt and take on board what?s happening or suffer the consequences. We have to embrace it and get on with it.


Peter Molyneux, founder, 22 Cans


I suspect if consumers had a choice in today?s digitally connected world, most of them would choose a fast, reliable digital connection. That?s just the reality of where the world?s going. Does that mean every single game is going to be digitally distributed rather than at retail? No. There?s a place for retail for gifts. But it?s going to slowly transition over the next three years.


So is Cloud Gaming future or not?


There is certainly no straight yes or no answer. It depends on certain factors and how much cloud technology improves in future. The answers of following question determine its future. Will users get the same playing experience from cloud gaming as they have from consoles and PCs? Will it be economical and more convenient? Will the game quality from local machine and that of cloud be same?

With the network capability increase e.g., with Fiber optics connections offering 25Mbps, game quality of cloud streamed games will be increased. But definitely these cannot be of exactly same quality as of local machine with same hardware. But as they say

Convenience has won out over quality in the audio and movie markets ? there is no reason not to expect gaming to follow suit in the fullness of time.?

Experts believe that future gaming will consist of both streaming and console gaming going parallel. For now cloud gaming and network infrastructure and user resources are not mature enough for cloud gaming to replace console gaming. If cloud gaming is not the future of gaming, it certainly will be part of it.


What do you think of Cloud Gaming as future of gaming? Tell us about your view in comments.

Posts related to Cloud Gaming: is it the future of gaming or not?

Naeem Ilyas

World Wide Web enthusiast, especially interested in front-end technologies.

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