Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Brotherhood

This is a RP i have done before. Though due to other RL commitments i had to let it go inactive. Now i have a lot more spare time on my hands i am hoping to start it again. with a few new ideas added into it.

The land of Illian is under threat and its people need heroes. An unknown evil from the north has risen and united the creatures of the night. Their attacks grow bolder and more severe with every passing day. A mighty band of warriors has been called upon to try and stop this evil from the north. Isaac the leader of The Brotherhood has sent a summons out across the land for new members.

Just a very basic summary of the RP. Hope to get some interest in this.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/q6ymQBHFCvE/viewtopic.php

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