Thursday, February 28, 2013

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Wary of crises, Americans tune out budget cut talk

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio wraps up a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, where he and GOP leaders challenged President Obama and the Senate to avoid the automatic spending cuts set to take effect in four days. Boehner complained that the House, with Republicans in the majority, has twice passed bills that would replace the across-the-board cuts known as the "sequester" with more targeted reductions, while the Senate, controlled by the Democrats, has not acted. He is followed by Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kansas is at left. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio wraps up a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, where he and GOP leaders challenged President Obama and the Senate to avoid the automatic spending cuts set to take effect in four days. Boehner complained that the House, with Republicans in the majority, has twice passed bills that would replace the across-the-board cuts known as the "sequester" with more targeted reductions, while the Senate, controlled by the Democrats, has not acted. He is followed by Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kansas is at left. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., and the Senate GOP leadership, face reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, to answer questions on the looming automatic spending cuts, following the weekly Republican strategy session. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. answers questions on the looming automatic spending cuts following a Democratic strategy session, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Reid also responded to House Speaker John Boehner who used salty language earlier in the day to prod the Senate to act on legislation to replace the automatic spending cuts known as the sequester. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama is pulling out all the stops to warn just what could happen if automatic budget cuts kick in. Americans are reacting with a collective yawn.

They know the shtick: Obama raises the alarm, Democrats and Republicans accuse each other of holding a deal hostage, there's a lot of yelling on cable news, and then finally, when everyone has made their points, a deal is struck and the day is saved.

Maybe not this time. Two days before $85 billion in cuts are set to hit federal programs with all the precision of a wrecking ball, there are no signs that the White House and Republicans in Congress are even negotiating. Both sides appear quietly resigned to the prospect that this is one bullet we just may not dodge.

Still, for all the grim predictions, Americans seem to be flipping the channel to something a little less, well, boring. They wonder, haven't we been here before?

It's like deja vu, says Patrick Naylon, who runs an audiovisual firm in San Francisco: "The same stuff, over and over again."

Texas native Corby Biddle, 53, isn't losing sleep over the cuts. No way the government will let vital services collapse, he said as he visited tourist attractions this week in downtown Atlanta.

"It will get resolved. They will kick the can down the road," Biddle said.

Usually, that's exactly what happens. Even the cuts behind the current panic were originally supposed to kick in on Jan. 1 ? part of the fiscal-cliff combo of spending cuts and tax hikes that economists warned could nudge the nation back into recession. For all the high drama, lawmakers finally acted on New Year's Day, compromising on taxes and punting the spending cuts to March 1.

And the blunt instrument known as the "sequester" that's set to deliver the cuts? That too was the progeny of another moment of government-by-brinksmanship, a concession that in 2011 made possible the grand bargain that saved the U.S. from a first-ever default on its debt.

Even if the current cuts go through, the impact won't be immediate. Federal workers would be notified next week that they will have to take up to a day every week off without pay, but the furloughs won't start for a month due to notification requirements. That will give negotiators some breathing room to keep working on a deal.

But you can only cry wolf so many times before people just stop paying attention.

"I know you guys must get tired of it," Obama told a crowd in Virginia on Tuesday. "Didn't we just solve this thing? Now we've got another thing coming up?"

Three out of 4 Americans say they aren't following the spending cuts issue very closely, according to a Pew Research Center poll released this week. It's a significant drop from the nearly 4 in 10 who in December said they were closely following the fiscal-cliff debate.

Public data from Google's search engine shows that at its peak in December, the search term "fiscal cliff" was about 10 times as popular as "sequestration" has been in recent days. Even "debt ceiling," not a huge thriller for the web-surfing crowd, maxed out in July 2011 at about three times the searches the sequester is now getting.

"We're now approaching the next alleged deadline of doom. And voters, having been told previously that the world might end, found it did not in the past and are becoming more skeptical that it will in the future," said Peter Brown of the nonpartisan Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

And let's face it: When it comes to policy issues that can really put an audience to sleep, "sequestration" is right up there with filibuster reform, chained CPI and carried interest.

For all the angst about layoffs, furloughs and slashes to government contracts, the markets don't seem to be rattled, either. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after falling below 13,000 at the height of the fiscal cliff debacle, has been buoyant ever since, spending the last month hovering just below 14,000.

"I shrug my shoulders because I don't believe any of those severe cuts will go through," said Karen Jensen, a retired hospital administrator who stopped to talk in New York's Times Square. "Life goes on as it has before."

But if the Obama administration hasn't managed to convince Americans these spending cuts could be the real deal, it's not for lack of trying.

Each day the cuts grow nearer sees a new dire warning from the White House about another government function that will take a hit if they go into effect ? what White House chief of staff Denis McDonough has called a "devastating list of horribles." Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned Monday that her agency will be forced to furlough 5,000 border patrol agents. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has said 70,000 preschool kids could be removed from Head Start. Fewer air traffic controllers could mean 90-minute delays or longer in major cities, and visiting hours at all 398 national parks are likely to be cut, the administration has said.

The White House has circulated 51 reports ? one for each state, plus the District of Columbia ? localizing the effects of the cuts. On Tuesday, Obama took his cautionary tale to a shipbuilding site in Newport News, Va., calling attention to how the cuts could impede the military. The White House says in Virginia alone, about 90,000 civilians working for the Defense Department would be furloughed, for a nearly $650 million reduction in gross pay.

"The president needs to stop campaigning, stop trying to scare the American people, stop trying to scare the states," Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana said Monday after governors from both parties met with Obama behind closed doors. "Now's the time to cut spending. It can be done without jeopardizing the economy. It can be done without jeopardizing critical services."

The age-old Republican desire for a scaled-back federal government makes it clear why, on the one hand, the GOP isn't scrambling to avert the cuts ? especially when Obama insists on more tax revenues in any deal to turn them off. On the other hand, Obama is banking on polls that show if the cuts go through, Republicans are likely to bear most of the blame.

Both parties agree that if you're going to cut spending, an indiscriminate mechanism like the sequester is the wrong way to do it. After all, the whole point of the endeavor was to set in motion ramifications so unbearable that lawmakers would be forced to come together and hash out a better plan before the deadline.

Count James Ford of Louisville, Ky., among those still holding out hope.

"They'll come up with something to keep the thing going," he said. "They always do."


Associated Press writers Jeff Martin in Atlanta, Jake Pearson in New York and Dylan Lovan in Louisville, Ky., contributed to this report.


Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mike Ragogna: Starlight: A Conversation with Joan Armatrading , Plus a Mika Newton Exclusive, and Bill Levenson revisits Duane Allman's Legacy


The Ukraine's Mika Newton, signed to American Idol judge & Grammy Award-winning producer Randy Jackson's label earlier this year, has a new Paul Oakenfold remix for her latest single, "Come Out And Play." FYI, she's already been featured in The New York Post, MTV, AOL, etc., and her social media stats are 120,000+ on Twitter; 38,000+ on Facebook, racking up millions of combined views on YouTube. Mika's debut single, "Don't Dumb Me Down," was released last summer to rave reviews. The song is co-written by Rune Westberg who's worked with Rebecca Black, Adam Lambert, etc., and BC Jean, who's responsible for the smash hit by Beyonc?, "If I Were A Boy." The music video premiered on MTV's Buzzworthy and was one of the site's Top 10 Most Viewed Videos with over 1.3 million views on YouTube/Vevo.

"I'm so happy that I have a chance to work with Paul," says Mika. "He is not just a great DJ , he is a musician and deep person with a light inside. And our combinations of music, love and lights is what you can hear in this remix."


A Conversation with Joan Armatrading

Mike Ragogna: Joan, tell us everything about yourself, and don't leave anything out.

Joan Armatrading: [laughs] That's just not going to happen, is it. That's not an interview!

MR: Fine. Then let's try this. Can you tell us what went into your new album Starlight?

JA: All right, that's a much easier question to answer. [laughs] In 2003, I made a CD called Lovers Speak and when I was making that CD, I decided that I wanted it to have a certain an acoustic sound, so it's got that kind of flavor to it. Then I thought when I was making it that it would be great to stick with a genre, because usually when I write, I kind of flip about; I do it with a rock song and a jazz song and a blues song and pop song, you know, all these different genres mixed up on the album. So I thought it would be good to do one genre and stay with that and I hit on coming up with a trilogy, and the trilogy would be blues, rock, jazz. Then in 2007, I wrote Into The Blues, which was very successful. It made me the first female UK artist to go to number one in the Billboard charts and I was nominated for a Grammy again. Then I did This Charming Life in 2010, which was the rock CD, all of the songs were kind of rock songs, then this one, Starlight, is jazz. So that's the trilogy: blues, rock, jazz, and this is the last of those three.

MR: Which begs the question, "What's next?"

JA: I have no idea what I'm going to do next. I'll be waiting, hopefully, like everybody else, with interest. So that's it, and it was just a way of giving myself a challenge of staying within these genres for the whole album to see if I could do it. On all of these albums I just mentioned, I play everything except on this, replacing the drums that I did. But I kept the drums that I did on this one and it's just me.

MR: You said, "It was just me." As you mentioned, you recorded blues, rock, and jazz. But for your music, you probably need to subcategorize it further to be "Joan Armatrading rock, Joan Armatrading blues, Joan Armatrading jazz."

JA: I'm certain, and I'm so glad that you noticed that, because that's exactly what it is. It's my take on the genres, it's my take on what's going on. I'm not trying to be Miles Davis or any other jazz person, so it sounds like me, I think.

MR: Yeah! Okay, let's get into some of the songs starting with "Single Life." When you're single, it's like all your married friends go, "I envy your single life," but there is that tradeoff. It's kind of like, "I am kind of happy I'm single, but on the other hand, you're lucky that you're married."

JA: I know lots of people who are in this situation, so I'm looking at people that I knew, hearing them talk and say that if they want to go off wherever they go, they don't have to think about the wife or the husband or whatever, they just go. Whereas the wife or husband can't just go, they've got the children. They've got to think about all these other people before they can just decide to go off wherever. So it's just looking at people and just thinking, "What's it like?" That's what I'm looking at, I'm looking at that kind of freedom, but at the same time, people can look at somebody else's life.

MR: So this isn't autobiographical.

JA: I'm not talking about myself. I write songs, as I've always said and is always the case, that are written from observation. I write them as if they're about me because that's the best way I know of writing. Everything I tend to do is in the first person. That's how I write. This is my twentieth album. I can't be writing every song about myself. I said that to somebody and they said, "Well some artists do write everything about themselves." If somebody's written twenty albums and every single song was about them, I'd think they were quite an insular person.

MR: Well doesn't it also make sense that as you're getting older and growing as an artist that it's more like you're having observations of the world that are more accurate and coming from not only wisdom from maturing but also from collective experiences in life. Maybe it isn't all about yourself, but don't you get to "discuss" lessons in life?

JA: Well, yeah, absolutely, it's just happens that I've always written from observation. That's what writers are, they're observers. You look at stuff. Most people see a certain situation happen, but they don't think, "Oh, that's a great story, I should write it down." Most people just kind of notice, or maybe they don't even notice it. But the writer, whether a songwriter or an author or even a painter, as a creative person, you tend to notice things that make you want to express them through interpretive dance, through music, through the written word or however. You tend to want to express that thing from that observation. So that's really what happens, and as you say, as you grow older, you have more experience, you probably notice things more. But in terms of myself, I've always been this observer looking at people but writing it as if it was me because that's the way I've always written, and that's the way I tend to write best. You fall into the thing that you do best.

MR: Joan, another concept many can appreciate comes up in your recording "Back On Track." Everybody wants to get things--life, love, etc.--back on track when things go wrong, even going as far as making a deal with, well, Mother Nature, in this case.

JA: Yeah, I've written this song and I've found myself saying this when I was on tour a couple of times, "Great, we're back on track," not because I'm thinking of the song necessarily, but the song did come to mind when I would use that expression. It's because things happen and you do want to get back on track, you're right.

MR: In "Close To Me," I love the concept of "'s not the first time that I've been in love, but I've never been in love like this before." Do you think people feel like that whenever they come into a new love?

JA: Absolutely. These are themes of mine, "Close To Me," about people falling in love and getting to know each other, "Tell Me," which is about friendship, is about realizing that friendship is very important and that it's another kind of love. I wrote a song called "More Than One Kind Of Love," which, again, is about friendship, and "Starlight," which is about positivity. It's about helping yourself want to do something, have a go, use your talents, use your personality, do whatever you have to do. I'm not saying you have to go that far, but you do owe it to yourself to try and make things happen if that's what you really, really, want. I come back to these recurring themes. "Close To Me," the first time people had been hearing it live, it was incredible how they took to that song and you saw people kind of really get into it and look at each other and sing it. People were singing it straight away. It's incredible.

MR: When you look at "Starlight"'s lyrics, it's a very wise song. For some, the ends justify the means as far as "going for it" to be a star or get famous or whatever. On the other hand, at the end, you're saying, "Don't give yourself a reason to get knocked back." My impression of that was, "You don't have to go that route, you can just use your personality. Use what you've got that are attributes."

JA: That's right absolutely.

MR: So that leads nicely to my question what advice do you have for new artists?

JA: I don't know what advice I have for new artists, but what I did do on my 2012 tour when I went around Britain was I took fifty-six local artists, fine artists, with me. So instead of taking one person around who's my support, I had fifty-six people. In each city, if they were from Birmingham, then they played the Birmingham gig. If they were from London, they played the London gig. If they were from Brighton, they played the Brighton gig. There were fifty-six people each playing a different city on the tour. I think that's what I try to do. The great thing is if you're starting out, you should be able to play to people, get them to hear your songs, get them to see you, get them to know you and your personality, just introduce yourself and, hopefully, they will become friends of yours. That's what I did, and that's actually the answer to the question. That's my advice, to get out there and try and get people to see who you are. Because I was on tour and I could kind of do it, then I did it. It was hard work.

MR: It seems like you're always performing, so will you be touring further to support the album?

JA: I toured the UK and Europe all of 2012 and will tour Australia and New Zealand in March of 2013 to finish up the tour. Unfortunately, I won't get to North America with this CD. This will the the first time in my career that I will not be touring North America in support of a CD.

1. Single Life
2. Close To Me
3. Tell Me
4. Back On Track
5. I Want That Love
6. The Way I Think Of You
7. Always On My Mind
8. Starlight
9. Busy With You
10. Summer Kisses

Transcribed by Galen Hawthorne


Ladies and gentleman, this is how you do a box set. Bill Levenson--the man who all but invented the medium with his iconic Eric Clapton and Allman Brothers projects over two decades ago--has researched and pulled tracks from virtually every musical nook and cranny Duane Allman's guitars have appeared in or on, gathering them within this fabulous 7-disc anthology, Skydog: The Duane Allman Retrospective. With the exception of historical "complete" sets (as in an artist's own recordings), this multi-disc retrospective nails it with tracks by The Allman Brothers, Herbie Mann, Boz Scaggs, Wilson Pikett, Laura Nyro, Delaney & Bonnie, The Grateful Dead, King Curtis, Clarence Carter, Arthur Conley, Aretha Franklin and beyond. Hopefully, Skydog resets the paradigm on how to put a proper box set together, presenting an artist--especially our most inspired instrumentalists--in a more complete light.



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Chinese may have edge in emerging market dash for smartphones

BARCELONA (Reuters) - The next billion people to connect to the internet in developing countries will do so largely via smartphones, prompting a battle that could favor low-price Chinese manufacturers like Huawei and ZTE over market leaders Samsung and Apple.

Fixed-line telephone networks are often weak in emerging markets and building new ones is expensive, and so smartphones are becoming a vital way to connect populations to the web and bolster economic growth.

Consumers in markets from Nigeria to Indonesia are hungry for features now standard in the United States and Europe that allow them to tweet or watch video on the go.

The challenge for smartphone makers is offering those features at a price local populations can afford.

Manoj Kohli, chief executive of Indian operator Bharti Airtel, said emerging market consumers were ready to leapfrog basic phone models and go straight for smartphones, but that prices could not come down fast enough.

"People in the developing world are going straight to the mobile Internet," he said in a keynote session at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

The focus on low-price smartphones could step up the challenge to market leaders Apple and Samsung, which are best-known for their top-end iPhone and Galaxy S3 models.

Lenovo, known for its PC business, has quietly become the fifth-biggest smartphone maker in the world by almost exclusively focusing on a single market: its home country China.

It is now expanding into Indonesia, India and Russia in a bid to appeal to the rising middle classes there.

And Huawei and ZTE have built share by bringing features pioneered by Apple and Samsung such as touch screens, fast processors and better cameras to the market at prices around $100.


The opportunities in emerging markets appear huge.

Just 4 percent of Africans had smartphones in 2012, according to research group Informa. The figure was slightly higher at 11 percent in the developing countries in the Asia Pacific region. In comparison, North America had the highest take up of web-connected phones, at 47 percent.

Between 2012 and 2017, telecoms consultancy Ovum expects that there will be 1.6 billion new mobile connections across the world, with 61 percent of these coming from Asia-Pacific. Africa will be the fastest-growing region, with mobile connections growing at a compound annual rate of 6.5 percent.

Lenovo's Chief Executive Yang Yuanqing said strong price competition among Chinese players had resulted in a smartphone boom in the country of 1.3 billion. Of all the phones sold in 2012, he said 70 percent were smartphones, and he's looking to repeat the trick elsewhere in Asia and Russia.

"We have been very successful in China, so we know how to win in emerging markets," he told reporters.

"In a mature market you need to build a very strong relationship with the carriers so they can give you a subsidy, but in emerging markets you can sell in the open market."

He pinpoints a problem for the big players. Top-end devices, like the iPhone and Galaxy S3 attract subsidies from network operators in Europe and the United States, hiding the cost of around $500-600 over a two-year contract. Such deals are much harder to find in emerging markets.

The result of a lack of subsidies means the appeal of a phone largely comes down to its upfront cost, which combined with the Chinese companies' growing ability to match and in some cases surpass the technical specifications of the market leaders, could prove troublesome for Apple and Samsung in emerging markets.

Ben Wood, chief of research at CCS Insight, said the Chinese players, which also include TCL Corp, were already raising concerns at Samsung, which leads the Chinese market.

"If Samsung is worried, you've got to imagine that Nokia is terrified," he said. "The Chinese companies can find enough volume in the Chinese market to sustain the volumes they need and the money they need to keep pushing internationally."

Companies like Nokia, Samsung and Apple are not standing still, however.

Nokia, which has for years been strong in emerging markets with basic devices, is introducing new lower-priced phones with email and basic web browsing to target consumers in Africa and Asia-Pacific countries in particular.

At the same time, though, Chinese manufacturers like Huawei and ZTE are trying to shake off their copycat reputations by introducing marketing slogans and top-end devices in Barcelona.

Huawei's Ascend P2 is billed as the fastest smartphone on the market, and has other innovations, such as power saving technology, priced at 399 euros.

Wan Biao, chief executive of Huawei Device Co, said the high innovation level in the Ascend P2 had already started to attract the attention of operators.

France Telecom's Orange appeared on stage at the launch. It will sell the device in France from June 2013.

The operator's VP of devices, Yves Maitre, said Orange was placing a bet on Huawei just as it had in the past with Apple and Samsung.

(Editing by Mark Potter)


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MasterCard aims at mobile payment market with launch of "digital wallet"

LONDON (Reuters) - Mastercard unveiled its bid to dominate the mobile payments market on Monday with a 'virtual wallet' allowing customers to keep personal payment details in their phone and avoid checkouts by scanning bar codes in-store to pay.

Financial services companies like the U.S. credit-card company as well as technology names Google and eBay Inc's PayPal are looking for ways to capitalize on the prevalence of consumers' sophisticated phones by providing programs that house credit and debit cards, coupons and store loyalty program details virtually.

Mastercard said its MasterPass service, effectively an app, would let customers pay for their goods without approaching a cashier by instead scanning a bar code and creating a digital receipt on their phone or tablet that can be shown as they exit the store.

It can also be used for easier online payments, allowing customers a "one click" way to pay without the hassle of having to input their credit or debit card details each time.

It comes almost a year after MasterCard's first foray into the mobile payments market with PayPass, which let customers pay at store tills by simply tapping their cards against a sensor.

The U.S.-based credit card company said the MasterPass system would be rolled out in Australia and Canada by the end of March. The United States will follow later in the spring, ahead of the UK in the summer.

Participating retailers include Argos , Boots and American Airlines, while banks which have signed up include Spain's BBVA and Santander , Citigroup in the United States, Italy's Intesa Sanpaolo and Sweden's Swedbank .

Ed McLaughlin, chief emerging payments officer at MasterCard, said banks would pay to use the technology, but would not give any detail on what the charges would be. Banks will also be able to use a "private label" version that can wrap their own cards into the MasterPass virtual wallets.

McLaughlin would not give details on MasterCard's usage targets for MasterPass, but said it was his company's "big play" for the next generation of payments technology.

Last month MasterCard posted fourth-quarter results that topped Wall Street estimates as more people chose card payments over cash, but it warned that global economic woes could slow revenue growth in 2013.

Both it and larger rival Visa Inc are working to spread card payments in parts of the world dominated by cash transactions. Mastercard is now focusing on tie-ups with banks in Africa and Brazil, where mobile and card payments are on the rise. It has also linked up with TIM, the second-largest mobile network operator in Brazil, to launch a mobile money program for its subscribers.

But MasterCard has its work cut. While the area of mobile payments is widely seen as the next big money-spinner, companies are so far struggling to make money from them. There is also a raft of different products coming to market.

Visa Inc will soon be rolling out its own digital wallet service, [ID:nL4N0B67P8] while last week PayPal launched a new European version of its mobile payments service that merchants can run on Apple Inc iPhones and Android-based smartphones.

Meanwhile tech start-up Square, headed by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorset, has attracted thousands of small merchants in recent years by offering a free card reader that attaches to smartphones and handles payments for a flat fee.

(Reporting By Laura Noonan; Editing by Sophie Walker)


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Good Advice On Managing Your Next Payday Loan | Fathead ...

TIP! Research any company that you are considering using for your payday loan, as many have hidden fees or extremely high interest rates. Do business only with companies that have been around longer than five years.

You can use a payday loan to get cash pretty quickly. If you are facing a financial crisis and really need cash fast, you may want to turn to a payday loan. Read on for some common payday loan considerations. Before making a payday loan decision, use the tips shared here.

TIP! When taking out a cash advance, make sure there is a written contract of some sort. Many times, the clerks aren?t educated about the details or policies differ from what is told or advertised.

Prior to agreeing to a payday loan, be sure all of your questions are answered. It doesn?t matter how unimportant you think the question is, it is critical that you understand every single step of the process before committing to it. Don?t worry about how the questions make you appear; ask whatever is on your mind.

TIP! When you applying for a payday loan, you may actually have to work out a contract wherein you are using a post-dated check in order to ensure the repayment of your debt. You must be certain that you will actually have funds in your account to cover the check on the specified date.

Have a solid plan for paying the loan back. If you do not pay your loans off immediately, you are risking high interest rates in the future. Do no fall for it. You must find out what you can contribute towards your debt. Calculate how much you can pay back every week and find a loan that corresponds to your budget.

TIP! Do not take out a payday loan for much more than you can afford to repay. There are some companies that might want to give you more than the amount you want so you will default and incur charges.

Avoid cash advances unless there are no other oprions. Do not use it to buy something that is not necessary. Examples of using a payday loan frivolously including buying anime DVDs or new fashion accessories. This is wasting your hard-earned cash. Keep in mind that payday cash advances must be paid back soon.

TIP! If you?re taking out a payday loan, understand that this is essentially your next paycheck. When you get your money you must know that your paycheck will not be avaiable to you! If you do not consider this fact, you will wind up with another loan, thus beginning a cycle of debt that can continue indefinitely.

Don?t consolidate multiple cash advances into one large loan. If you cannot pay off the smaller loans, you will never be able to pay the larger one. Try to find ways to pay your loan with a smaller interest rate so you can out from under the payday loan.

TIP! You should understand the high interest that payday loans charge you. If possible, try getting the money from a different source because it isn?t common for annual rates to be over 300%.

As the article went over earlier, getting a payday loan can help you when you need fast cash. Before you get yourself a payday loan, you have to go over this article carefully and remember its advice. All the knowledge you now have should help you avoid making any mistakes when it comes to payday advances.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Fidel Castro appears at parliament, leadership speculation continues

Fidel Castro's surprise appearance added to expectations, fueled by his brother, that the usually routine session might shed light on future leadership of the communist-run nation.

By Marc Frank,?Reuters / February 25, 2013

Cuba's leader Fidel Castro and his brother Cuba's President Raul Castro attend the opening session of the National Assemby in Havana, Cuba, Feb. 24. Cuba's parliament reconvened Sunday with new membership and was expected to name Raul Castro to a new five-year-term as president. Raul Castro fueled speculation on Friday when he talked of his possible retirement and suggested he has plans to resign at some point.

Ismael Francisco/AP


Retired Cuban leader?Fidel?Castro?made a rare public appearance Sunday by joining the opening session of the National Assembly, state media reported amid speculation the gathering could give clues on planning for a future leadership succession.

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Since falling ill in 2006 and ceding the presidency to his brother,?Fidel?Castro?has given up all official positions except as a deputy in the National Assembly. At Sunday's session, he took his seat beside brother President?Raul?Castro, only the second time he has graced the assembly chambers since his illness and the first since 2010.

Fidel?Castro's surprise appearance added to expectations, fueled by his brother, that the usually routine session might shed light on future leadership of the communist-run nation.

In a back and forth with reporters on Friday,?Raul?Castro?joked about his eventual retirement and urged them to pay attention to Sunday's conclave, which is closed to foreign journalists.

"I'm going to turn 82; I have a right to retire already," he said. "You don't believe me? Why are you so incredulous?" he said.

The 612 deputies, who were elected in an uncontested vote Feb. 3, are expected to name a new 31-member?Council of State?with?Raul?Castro?as president, despite his quip.

The National Assembly meets for just a few weeks each year and delegates its legislative powers between sessions to the?Council of State, which also functions as the nation's executive through theCouncil of Ministers?it appoints.

Governments,?Cuba?watchers and Cubans will be watching to see if there are any new, and younger, faces among the Council of State members, in particular its first vice president and five vice presidents, with an average age over 70.

The new government is almost certain to be the last headed up by the?Castro?brothers and the generation that has ruled?Cuba?since they swept down from the mountains in the 1959 revolution that led to a long-running feud with Washington.

Raul?Castro, 81, would begin his second term on Sunday, theoretically leaving him free to retire in 2018, aged 86.

Eighty percent of the parliament's 612 members, with an average age under 50, were born after the Revolution.


Raul?Castro, who officially replaced his ailing brother as president in 2008, has repeatedly called for senior leaders to hold office for no more than two, five-year terms.

"Although we kept on trying to promote young people to senior positions, life proved that we did not always make the best choice,"?Castro?said at a Party?Congress?in 2011.

"Today, we are faced with the consequences of not having a reserve of well-trained replacements....It's really embarrassing that we have not solved this problem in more than half a century," he said.

The 2011 party summit adopted a more than 300-point plan to "update"?Cuba's Soviet-style economic system, designed to transform it from one based on collective production and consumption to one where individual effort and reward play a far more important role.

Across-the-board subsidies are being replaced by the country's first comprehensive tax code and targeted welfare.

Fidel?Castro, these days referred to as the "historic leader of the revolution," is no longer seen as wielding real power, but he has maintained a public presence through his writings, meetings with important visitors and rare appearances.

Esteban Lazo, member of the political bureau of the Community Party and vice president of the?Council of State, 68, was named parliament president Sunday to replace a retiring Ricardo Alarcon, who served for 20 years.

(Reporting By Marc Frank; Editing by David Adams and Cynthia Osterman)


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Armenian opposition leader may challenge president's reelection

YEREVAN (Reuters) - The runner-up in Armenia's presidential election said on Monday he might challenge the official result that gave Serzh Sarksyan a new five-year term and triggered street protests.

Opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian got 37 percent of votes cast in the February 18 election in the nation of 3.2 million, Moscow's closest ally in the south Caucasus, nestled between Russia, Turkey, Iran and energy-rich Central Asia.

Hovannisian and his Heritage Party say the vote was rigged in favor of Sarksyan, who won 58.6 percent. The opposition have twice held protests drawing several thousand people in the capital Yerevan since the election.

"As of today we have five days to challenge the clearly illegal and anti-Armenian result of this election," Hovannisian, a U.S.-born former foreign minister of the landlocked ex-Soviet republic, told a news conference.

"Many say it's not worth it. We will discuss it. I do not rule out that by March 2 we will turn to the Constitutional Court," Hovannisian said, referring to an official challenge. He repeated that he considers himself the real winner of the race.

Armenia's election commission also said on Monday there were no legal violations during the vote that could impact results.

The protests on Wednesday and Friday were peaceful. Foreign governments and investors worry about signs of instability in Armenia, where 10 people were killed in violence that followed Sarksyan's first election victory in 2008.

International election monitors said last week's poll was an improvement from previous ones but it still lacked real competition after some of Sarksyan's adversaries decided not to run, fearing the results would be skewed.

Armenia, which hosts one of Russia's few foreign military bases and is part of a post-Soviet security alliance dominated by Moscow, is locked in a deadly dispute with neighboring Azerbaijan over the mountainous Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Nagorno-Karabakh is an ethnic Armenian-majority enclave inside Azerbaijan, which Armenia-backed rebels wrested from Azeri troops in a war that killed some 30,000 people before a 1994 ceasefire. Skirmishes still kill troops on both sides.

(Reporting by Hasmik Mkrtychan, Writing by Gabriela Baczynska, Editing by Steve Gutterman and Michael Roddy)


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Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest''s customer support firm Zendesk hacked

Twitter.jpgTwitter, Tumblr and Pinterest have been caught up in a hacking attack on a firm, which technology companies use to outsource their customer services.

Customer support tool Zendesk noted that a hacker downloaded email addresses of users who contacted those three customers for support, along with the email subject lines.

The company warned customers of the security breach in an email entitled: ?We?ve been hacked.?

According to the website, some customers also may have had their phone numbers revealed, but no passwords were revealed.

Zendesk, which has over 25,000 clients, uses software tools to allow companies to outsource a number of their customer service functions.

In an email to affected users, Twitter wrote: ?Zendesk?s breach did not result in the exposure of information such as Twitter account passwords. It may, however, have included contact information you provided when submitting a support request such as an email, phone number, or Twitter username.?

According to the paper, Pinterest and Tumblr sent similar emails warning their potentially affected users.


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Grief besets family of Pistorius' slain girlfriend

Olympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius , in court Friday Feb. 22, 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa, for his bail hearing charged with the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. The defense and prosecution both completed their arguments with the magistrate soon to rule if the double-amputee athlete can be freed before trial or if he must stay behind bars pending trial) (AP Photo)

Olympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius , in court Friday Feb. 22, 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa, for his bail hearing charged with the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. The defense and prosecution both completed their arguments with the magistrate soon to rule if the double-amputee athlete can be freed before trial or if he must stay behind bars pending trial) (AP Photo)

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' uncle, Arnold Pistorius, speaks to journalists at the end of the bail hearing at the magistrate court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. Oscar Pistorius was granted bail in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court on Friday and will return to court June, 4, 2013 to face a charge of pre-meditated murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, right, and his sister Aimee, left, are driven to a relatives home in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. Pistorius was released on bail and will return to court June, 4, 2013 to face charge a charge of pre-meditated murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. (AP Photo/Nelius Rademan-FOTO24-Beeld) SOUTH AFRICA OUT NO SALES. NO ARCHIVE, ONLINE OUT MAGAZINES OUT INTERNET OUT TV OUT

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' sister Aimee Pistorius looks on during his bail hearing at the magistrate court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. Pistorius was granted bail in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court on Friday. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Mike Steenkamp, the uncle of Reeva Steenkamp, centre, speaks to an unidentified man, holding a photo of Reeva, after her funeral in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013. Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius is charged with the premeditated murder of Steenkamp on Valentine's Day. The defense lawyer says it was an accidental shooting. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam)

(AP) ? Far from the courtroom drama that has gripped South Africa, the family of Oscar Pistorius' slain girlfriend has struggled with its own private deluge of grief, frustration and bewilderment.

The victim's relatives also harbor misgivings about efforts by the Olympian's family to reach out to them with condolences.

Pistorius, meanwhile, spent Saturday at his uncle's home in an affluent suburb of Pretoria, the South African capital, after a judge released him on bail following days of testimony that transfixed South Africa and much of the world. He was charged with premeditated murder in the shooting death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day, but the athlete says he killed her accidentally, opening fire after mistaking her for an intruder in his home.

"We are extremely thankful that Oscar is now home," his uncle, Arnold Pistorius, said in a statement that also acknowledged the law must run its course. "What happened has changed our lives irrevocably."

The Pistorius family took steps to lower its profile on social media after someone hacked into the Twitter account of his older brother, Carl, family spokesman Janine Hills said.

"Carl did not tweet this afternoon, out of respect to Oscar and Reeva," Hills said in a statement. "We are busy cancelling all the social media sites for both Oscar's brother and his sister."

Mike Steenkamp, Reeva's uncle, told The Associated Press that the family of the double-amputee athlete initially did not send condolences or try to contact the bereaved parents, but had since sought to reach out in what he described as a poorly timed way. After Pistorius was released on bail in what amounted to a victory for the defense, Arnold Pistorius said the athlete's family was relieved but also in mourning "with the family" of Reeva Steenkamp.

"Everybody wants to jump up with joy," Mike Steenkamp said, speculating on the mood of Pistorius' family after the judge's decision. "I think it was just done in the wrong context, completely."

A South African newspaper, the Afrikaans-language Beeld, quoted the mother of Reeva Steenkamp, a 29-year-old model, law school graduate and participant in a television reality show, as saying the family had received a bouquet of flowers and a card from the Pistorius family.

"Yes, but what does it mean? Nothing," June Steenkamp said, according to the Saturday edition of Beeld. She also said Pistorius' family, including sister Aimee, a somber presence on the bench behind the Olympian during his court hearings in the past week, must be "devastated" and had done nothing wrong.

"They are not to blame," June Steenkamp said. According to Beeld, she said she had hoped to plan a wedding for her daughter one day.

In an affidavit, 26-year-old Oscar Pistorius said he was "absolutely mortified" by the death of "my beloved Reeva," and he frequently sobbed in court during the several days during which his bail application was considered. However, prosecutor Gerrie Nel, suggested in a scathing criticism that Pistorius was actually distraught because his vaunted career was now in peril and he was in grave trouble with the law.

"It doesn't matter how much money he has and how good his legal team is, he will have to live with his conscience if he allows his legal team to lie for him," Barry Steenkamp, Reeva's father, told Beeld.

"But if he is telling the truth, then perhaps I can forgive him one day," the father said. "If it didn't happen the way he said it did, he must suffer, and he will suffer ... only he knows."

Barry Steenkamp suffered "heavy trauma" at the loss of his daughter and his remarks to the newspaper partly reflect how he is working through it, said his brother, Mike Steenkamp.

Steenkamp was cremated in a funeral ceremony on Feb. 19 in her family's hometown of Port Elizabeth on South Africa's southern coast. Mike Steenkamp delivered a statement about the family's grief to television cameras, at one point breaking down in tears.

The three-story house where Pistorius is staying with his aunt and uncle lies on a hill with a view of Pretoria. It has a large swimming pool and an immaculate garden.

Pistorius was born without fibula bones due to a congenital defect and had his legs amputated at 11 months. He has run on carbon-fiber blades and was originally banned from competing against able-bodied peers because many argued that his blades gave him an unfair advantage. He was later cleared to compete. He is a multiple Paralympic medalist, but he failed to win a medal at the London Olympics, where he ran in the 400 meter race and on South Africa's 4x400 relay team.

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Te'o doing tough balancing act at NFL combine

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? Manti Te'o walked into a crowded room of reporters Saturday, took a breath and settled in for 15 minutes of NFL scouting combine history.

Again, the former Notre Dame linebacker explained how he had been duped into an Internet romance he had with a girlfriend he never met. He did his best to turn the page on an embarrassing chapter by talking football. This time, he even got to see it play out on live television 12 yards away ? where three muted flat-screen monitors were in direct view of Te'o.

He answered every question with thoughtful deliberation and tried to provide clarity on a hoax that turned one of the nation's most inspirational college football players into the butt of national jokes.

"I cared for somebody. That's what I was taught to do ever since I was young. Somebody needs help, you help them out," Te'o said.

Later he added: "People doubted me because I took a while to come out. From our point of view, we wanted to let everything come out first, and then let my side come out. The way we did it, I thought, worked best for me."

Te'o's news conference was the most anticipated event of the NFL's second-biggest offseason weekend, which brought the makeshift media room inside Lucas Oil Stadium to a virtual standstill ? twice.

The too-good-to-be-true story began with Te'o's incredible performances after learning his grandmother and what he believed was his girlfriend had died within hours of one another in September. Te'o said it inspired him to play his best football all season, and it was so compelling that it helped turn Te'o into a Heisman Trophy contender as he was leading the Fighting Irish to an undefeated regular season and into the national championship game.

On Dec. 26, Te'o notified Notre Dame officials that he had received a call from his supposedly dead girlfriend's phone three weeks earlier.

The school investigated and on Jan. 16 ? after broke the story of the fake girlfriend ? athletic director Jack Swarbrick announced at a news conference that Te'o had been duped. Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, 22, later said he created the online persona of Lennay Kekua, a nonexistent woman who Te'o said he fell in love with despite never meeting her in person.

Since then, Te'o had only done a few one-on-one interviews.

On Saturday all that changed as many of the 800 credentialed media members surrounded the podium in rows that went eight deep. Te'o wore a tie-died red-and-black workout shirt.

"It's pretty crazy," said Te'o, who has played most of his games on national television and was one of the most recognizable college players last season. "I've been in front of a few cameras before, but never as many as this."

Only two scenes from the combine over the past 15 years could even compare to what Te'o had to contend with Saturday.

The first came in 2004 when former Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett was allowed to participate in the combine after a court ruled he should be allowed to enter the draft after finishing high school only two years earlier. That decision was later reversed.

The other time was 2010, when Heisman Trophy winner and two-time national champion Tim Tebow stepped to the podium in Indianapolis and everyone, including those listening to Packers coach Mike McCarthy, sprinted to the opposite end of the room for Tebow.

This was different.

When word leaked Te'o would speak at about noon, reporters immediately surrounded the podium. Over the next 25 minutes, rumors circulated that in a rare and possibly unprecedented move, Te'o's agent would speak from the podium. That did not happen. There also was speculation that Te'o might deliver an opening statement like the then-injured Michael Crabtree did in 2009 and Cam Newton did two years later. That did not happen, either, though Te'o did make a closing statement in which he thanked his family, friends and fans for standing by him during this tumultuous month.

"It's definitely embarrassing. You walk into grocery stores and people give you double takes to see if they're staring at you," he said before explaining he's moved on. "If I was embarrassed, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of you."

The only thing that really matters in Indy, though, is what team officials think. Te'o said in the two formal interviews he's had, with Green Bay and Houston, they have asked about the hoax. He has another 18 interviews left.

Will it hurt his draft position?

Former NFL executive Bill Polian, architect of four Super Bowl teams in Buffalo and two in Indianapolis, has been adamant that it won't, and coaches and general managers seem to agree.

Most say they are more concerned with the red flags of other players -- drug use, alcohol abuse, academic woes and even criminal allegations -- than they are with Te'o's tale.

"Somebody that's not truthful, that's big, to me. I'm a big fan of the 'Judge Judy' show. And when you lie in Judge Judy's courtroom, it's over. Your credibility is completely lost. You have no chance of winning that case," San Francisco coach Jim Harbaugh said Friday. "I learned that from her. It's very powerful, and true. Because if somebody does lie to you, how can you ever trust anything they ever say after that?"

Two questions later, he was asked whether that meant the reigning NFC champs would avoid Te'o in April's draft.

"No. I wouldn't say that," Harbaugh said.

Te'o and the general public weren't the only ones watching the interview session Saturday.

Team officials are taking notes, too.

"Honestly, it's a distraction. If he can handle that distraction and still be able to perform on the football field, I really don't think it makes that much of a difference," Carolina coach Ron Rivera said before Te'o spoke. "We'll talk about it, we'll find out about it. The bottom line is, is he a good person and can he play football?"

On the field, Te'o's is one of the top linebackers available.

Last season, he won the Maxwell Award, Bednarik Award, Butkus Award, Bronko Nagurski Trophy, Lombardi Award and Walter Camp national player of the year and finished second in balloting for the Trophy.

But there are concerns. Te'o was asked if the undercurrent of the hoax explained his poor play in Notre Dame's BCS championship game loss to Alabama. He has said it didn't.

"They want to be able to trust their players. You don't want to invest in somebody you can't trust," Te'o said. "With everybody here, they're just trying to get to know you as a person and as a football player, and I understand where they're coming from."

But the hardest part has been seeing the impact it's had on those around him.

In a phone call, Te'o said his sister explained how the family had to sneak into its own house because of the people parked in the front yard, and he also said he empathized with the chaos it has caused Tuiasosopo's family. He said he has no plans to sue, either.

Instead, Te'o just wants to forget about the hoax and focus on football.

"I've learned first, just to be honest in everything you do, from the big things to the small things. To keep your circle very small and to really understand who's in your corner and who's not," he said. "Going off of the season my team and I had, there were a lot of people in our corner, and then when Jan. 16th happened, there was a lot of people in the other corner. I've just learned to appreciate the people that I have that are with me."


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

On Twitter, a peanut gallery mocks the Oscars

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Rabbinic Cabinet Mission Visits Kiev and Israel to See Promise of Aliyah Fulfilled

Rabbinic Cabinet Mission Visits Kiev and Israel to See Promise of Aliyah Fulfilled
February 19, 2013

Rabbi Tina Grimberg, who serves the Reconstructionist Congregation Darchei Noam in Toronto, recently returned from a visit to Kiev.? She went with 31 other rabbis from 20 communities as part of a Rabbinic Cabinet mission of The Jewish Federations of North America. But for Rabbi Grimberg, this experience resonated in a different way. She left the Ukraine at age 16 and returned only one other time, 20 years ago, to distribute medical supplies to young Chernobyl victims. This marked her first visit as a rabbi and a witness to the revival of Jewish life there.

?If I could have hidden my Jewish identity or thrown it away when I was growing up, I would have,? said Rabbi Grimberg, back in Toronto. Because of anti-Semitism, ?It was burdensome, shameful and I hated it.? Grimberg recalled being ashamed that her grandmother once spoke Yiddish on a bus, prompting a Ukrainian woman to threaten her. Only a child, Rabbi Grimberg felt ashamed and told her grandmother never to speak Yiddish in public again. ?I know I hurt her and I went back to Kiev this time to let her know I am no longer ashamed,? said Grimberg, weeping quietly.

Rabbis on the mission traveled to Kiev and Israel to see the promise fulfilled by North American Jewish Federations? to help free Soviet Jewry and to give support to those who have chosen to remain, through the work of JFNA?s partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and The Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Toronto rabbi was ?beyond floored? with the Federation-supported programs she saw in Kiev that sustain Jews and Jewish life, learning, religion and culture. ?I contribute and I encourage others to contribute to Federation, but to see what it does overseas? was something else, she said. In her birthplace, Jewish Federations have ?raised the living from the dead.?

The rabbis visited programs for the elderly that provide help meeting basic needs and combat loneliness and isolation. They went to after-school programs that offer counseling, tutoring and Jewish activities to at-risk children and their families. And they met with alumni of a host of Israel experience and camping programs to foster Jewish leadership and identity among the young.

The rabbis also held a service at Babi Yar, the site of the Nazi massacre of 100,000 in 1941, and met with Reform, Conservative and Orthodox colleagues.
In Israel, the group saw first-hand many of the efforts through JDC and JAFI to help the immigrants from the former Soviet Union integrate successfully in Israeli society and enjoy security and dignity in their old age. The group also met with diplomatic? officials, politicians, religious leaders and journalists for high-level briefings on the political landscape and the complexities of Israeli religious life. Natan Sharansky, the former dissident hero who now leads JAFI, also met with the group.
Rabbi Grimberg spoke to Sharansky in Russian, she said, telling him, ?You paved our way with your suffering? in the Soviet gulag. She also said the mission?s visits to both Kiev and Israel testified to the power of global Jewish community that Federations help nurture.

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, chair of JFNA?s Rabbinic Assembly, said the mission ?exceeded my expectations.?? He said the first-hand exposure to the ?inspiring? overseas programs of the JDC and The Jewish Agency drove home for the rabbis the importance of the work of the Federation system. ?They learned how it complements what they do to ensure the survival of Jewish community and peoplehood,? said Rabbi Weinblatt, who led the mission.
While in Jerusalem, several rabbis left the mission to join a group of women praying at the Western Wall. Israeli police detained 10 women for wearing tallitot, or prayer shawls, in violation of the Supreme Court ruling that traditional Orthodox laws govern ritual practice at the Wall. Two of the women detained were from the JFNA mission.

Jewish Federations have made a strong statement calling on the Israeli government to work out a fair solution to the issue of women praying at the Wall, and about Jewish pluralism in Israel. ?Such an outcome must uphold Israel?s guarantee to grant full freedom of worship for all in Jerusalem, including rights of all Jews to pray in their own traditions at our holy sites,? according to the statement. Sharansky is, meanwhile, working to help find a resolution to the issue.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

NY Man Threatened Mayor, Gov on Facebook: Police

Police have accused a Rockland County man of making death threats on Facebook against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bloomberg and several members of Congress. ? They say they found two rifles, bayonets, ammunition and body armor at his home. ? Clarkstown police say 49-year-old Lawrence Mulqueen of Nanuet was arraigned Thursday on charges of making terroristic threats, illegally possessing weapons and harassment. ? Police were called Wednesday afternoon by Mulqueen's landlady, who said he'd been harassing her. ? They say she tipped them to Mulqueen's alleged threats, made on a Facebook page under a pseudonym. ? Police say the FBI helped with the investigation. ? A town court clerk says no lawyer is listed for Mulqueen in court records. He's being held until a court date Monday.?

Photo Credit: Getty Images


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Tim Tebow Dodges Controversy, Cancels Appearance at Dallas Mega-Church

159212964 Former Florida Gator and New York Jet Tim Tebow attends the Allstate Sugar Bowl between the Florida Gators and the Louisville Cardinals at Mercedes-Benz Superdome on January 2, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana

Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Famous evangelical Christians, like other public figures, have to choose their friends a bit more carefully than the rest of us plebs. In New York Jets' quarterback Tim Tebow's case, this apparently means bowing out of a speaking engagement at a controversial Dallas mega-church where the pastor has, among other things, stated that he believes homosexuality is? a "perverse ... degradation of a person?s mind."?

After the church's high-profile booking raised eyebrows and some media ire, Tebow called First Baptist Church pastor Robert Jeffress on last night to cancel the scheduled April appearance at the church, telling the pastor he "needed to avoid controversy right now for personal and professional reasons," according to Jefferss's interview with the Associated Press. Tebow also tweeted about his change of heart, noting that he'd canceled the appearance "due to new information that has been brought to my attention."

Tebow, arguably more famous at this point for his outspoken faithfulness than for his football prowess, isn't a stranger to the Christian right by any means, though he usually tries to avoid hot-button social issues when he talks about his beliefs. It doesn't look like he's trying to cut ties with other conservative, evangelical institutions that might want to hear him speak (like this sold-out "men's impact weekend" at Liberty University this March).

Notably, the athlete hasn't said whether he disagrees with Jeffress's theology or not. If Jeffress is to be believed, Tebow might not be looking to wash himself of an association with the pastor altogether ? the reverend told the AP that Tebow would like to reschedule an appearance for a future date. On the other hand, the disappointed tweets fired back at Tebow's cancellation announcement from his Christian fanbase indicate that the quarterback needs to stay diplomatic about his retreat from Jeffress. In any case, Tebow is clearly getting the message that an appearance in Dallas right now wouldn't go under the radar.

Jeffress, who has said that Obama's presidency is ?paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist,? previously made headlines in 2011 when he called Mormonism a "cult" at the Values Voter Summit. He later endorsed Romney for president.


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Unlock US Energy Potential: Offshore Oil and Gas

The map below makes clear that while there?s talk in Washington of an all-of-the-above approach to energy, there?s much to be done in applying that concept to our outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and natural gas reserves. Other claims notwithstanding, the number to focus on is 87 ? as in the 87 percent of federal offshore acreage that?s off limits to oil and natural gas development, indicated in red. Areas open to development are colored blue.

America?s vast OCS energy potential remains largely just that, potential. Also on hold are jobs and economic growth associated with increased energy development. Key points:

  • 88.6 billion barrels of oil and 398.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas are believed to be held in the OCS, according to the Bureau of Ocean Exploration and Management ? though those estimates are 30 years old. There could be an even greater abundance, which state-of-the-art seismic surveying technology could determine, if Congress will allow it.
  • Nearly 465,000 new jobs could be created by developing oil and natural gas offshore, according to a 2011 study by Wood Mackenzie.
  • More than $312 billion in new revenue could be generated for government from OCS production by 2030 (Wood Mackenzie).

That?s a lot of potential being left on the shelf because of our own policy choices. Also on hold is the boost to America?s energy security that could result from developing more of our own reserves.

All of these points no doubt were on the minds of the governors of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, who wrote last week to Sally Jewell, the president?s choice to be the next Interior secretary, encouraging Jewell to support expanded OCS leasing.

As the map shows, while oil and natural gas development off the coasts of those states is off limits through at least 2017, the administration has authorized a federal review to decide whether energy companies may conduct seismic tests to see how much oil and natural gas is on the OCS there. The governors backed a new energy plan offered by Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska that would increase OCS leasing in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Atlantic OCS:

We applaud this proposal and sincerely hope that the Administration under your guidance can work with us and our Congressional colleagues to enact these commonsense measures. ? It?s estimated that energy production from the Atlantic OCS could create more than 140,000 new jobs within the next 20 years, and we hope you will ensure that the Administration is a partner with the states on this issue.

API President and CEO Jack Gerard:

?Unlocking the resources off the Atlantic Coast could create 140,000 jobs, generate much-needed revenue for the government, and fuel major investments in state and local economies. We have an opportunity to lead the world on energy, and through safe and responsible development of our own oil and natural gas resources we can continue our path as a global energy superpower.?

In the OCS we have significant supplies of oil and natural gas ? which could prove to be even larger with modern, up-to-date analysis. Unfortunately, 87 percent of the OCS is unavailable for oil and natural gas development that could help create jobs, stimulate the economy and add to domestic energy production.

The first step is to get more of that 87 percent included in the federal government?s offshore plan. Including areas in this federal plan is critical to generating the investments in research and analysis that precede exploration and development ? a process that can take seven to 10 years after a lease is granted. With the right policy choices our OCS energy potential can be turned into a reality that will put more Americans to work while making our country stronger and more secure.

Authored by:

Mark Green

Mark Green joined API after 16 years as national editorial writer in the Washington bureau of The Oklahoman newspaper, capping a 30-year career in print journalism. At API he is responsible for writing and editing blog posts, as well as engaging other bloggers on energy-relevant issues. He has a degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a masters in journalism and public ...

See complete profile


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