Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Powerfully Engage the 4 Steps in Mobile Recruiting- Part 2 ...

Are you aware how fast how fast mobile marketing is growing for home business?

Are you engaging mobile in your network marketing recruiting?

Are you using your mobile for building your mlm business?

Mobile Recruiting and Mobile Marketing are 2 powerful ?still in diapers? marketing tactics that will change the face of home business as we know it. It will transform out profession into a much more laser focused and speedy system, with amazing accuracy. I would suggest you get on the ball and start learning about mobile recruiting if you have not.

Here is Part 2 of a 2 a part Mobile Recruiting article series I did with the # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the Nation for a head hunting firm. He has become a legend with social media and now mobile recruiting. You can Read Part One here.

D: What do you think is the most important element in Mobile Recruiting?

S: Oh that is easy. STRATEGY. You must have a cohesive marketing and recruiting strategy behind your mobile recruiting. You must have PLAN that works and works every time. I have a plan with my mobile recruiting and it is a pretty simple plan.

1. P stands for PUSH.

I want to push a message out daily to the prospects I have that may be a candidate in the making for a company I represent.

2. L stands for LOOK.

I want the prospect to LOOK at my message and there is no better way and no
quicker way then mobile recruiting. Of course I want to have something that
will grab their attention as well.

3. A stands for ACTIVATE.

I want the prospect to TAKE ACTION on something and that is why I offer a free
ebook to the mobile prospect to get their name and email. I want them to be
activated and already moving towards me when I contact them. I want them to
KNOW who I am and start building a relationship IMMEDIATELY. A free gift of
some kind starts that process.

4. N stands for NAVIGATE.

I want to Navigate the prospect to a page, webinar or video of some kind. This will introduce the company I am representing and the position. In a home business scenario I would think this would be an introduction to the business.

These are what I do daily. Mobile recruiting is much like fishing. But you must have a lot of lines in the market and once you get a strike, you will find they are already in the recruiting process with their mobile device.

D: Do you think that Mobile Recruiting will be as big as recruiting on social media?

S : Yes, I do. It will take a couple of years to create a solid marketing and highly productive recruiting model, but once it has been solidified and tested for breakage, it could very well take over the social media recruiting frenzy.

D: Ok, here is an obvious question: why do you think that way?

S: Oh that one is so easy to answer. SPEED. The pace of recruiting with a mobile device is so much faster then social networking. On a mobile, you have the prospect entering into the recruiting process within seconds. With social media it could take a week or 2 or longer. There is certainly a LOT of
recruiting going on in social media, but speed can hinder to some degree.

The pace of mobile recruiting as far as getting them in the recruiting process can be as fast as lightening. The mobile user is use to opening up a text quickly, and if they opt in for a free ebook, then you have them in the recruiting process within seconds. THAT is much more appealing to the younger generation as they operate at that pace.

D: One final question about mobile recruiting before we take a break. What do you believe is THE secret to mobile recruiting success?

S: Hmmm?..good question. Hmmmmm?.<thinking> Doug, I would say if there is one thing that really matters- it is IMPACT. Your message and mobile website must create a visual and actional impact that will get the prospect to DO something and not just click away.

It needs to be visually appealing and full of hope. I think it should ask a question and also LEAD them somewhere. That is the real thing that people are looking for. Often, people want to be lead down a path and if you have an impact-ful mobile site, then you will find them engaging that site right off the bat.

D: What are some of the opening questions you ask when you are in ?Fully Engaged Recruiting??as that is what you call that process?

S: Great Question. I always ask ?Are you looking for a job or for a secure high paying future?? I would suggest that might be something that your people may use. But say it like?hmmm??Are you looking for a high paying future of more of the same thing you have now?? These are the type of things that pull people into your website.

I would also suggest that they ask, ?Are you looking for a high paying secure business from home or more of the where you are now?? I know. That is a bit blunt, but you must sometimes be blunt to get their attention.

And one more would be, ? Are you satisfied with where you are career wise or would you be open to a high paying future that you control and manage?? This is what I believe would work, and I have been recruiting for a while as you know. I hope this will help your readers and folks.

These are massive powerful strategies for mobile recruiting for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings?doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved


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