Friday, August 17, 2012

Food and Drink Crisis : The Blue and White

Food and Drink Crisis


August 17, 2012 ? Jordan Trice ('13), Staff Writer ?
Filed under News, Top Stories

Starting this year, there has been a new food and drink policy at Red Bank High School appointed by our new principal, Dr.Robertson. Students are now only allowed to eat inside the cafeteria, and open drinks are prohibited inside of classrooms.

Over the following years, students have had the freedom to eat and drink in class, but this year that freedom is now gone. Dr. Robertson decided to enact the new food and drink policy after all the work had been done on the school over the summer, and previous problems with food and drinks.

?I think it?s sad that we have to have the rule because of a few people that can?t eat without making a mess and are not courteous enough to throw away their trash.? says Mr.Martindale.

?The food rules in my opinion are uncool, unfair, and upsetting.? Chris Eberhart argues. ?I mean they might as well get rid of the vending machines. It?s like giving candy to a kid and telling him he can?t eat it in the house.?

Students have mixed feeling? about the new food and drink policy, however, it was created for the benefit of our school and hopefully it will help to keep the school clean.


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